Sebuah bangunan khusus khas nuansa Mojopahit dan sering difungsikan sebagai tempat pertunjukan kesenian, studi tour, lomba, tempat pertemuan dengan suasana yang teduh dan nyaman juga sebagai tempat untuk istirahat/rekreasi. Lokasinya berada di Desa Temon, Kecamatan Trowulan.
The Great Building
It is specific building with the nuance of Mojopahit. It is often functioned as the place of art performance, study tour, the meeting place with comfortable and cool situation, the rest place. Its location is at Temon, Trowulan.
The Great Building
It is specific building with the nuance of Mojopahit. It is often functioned as the place of art performance, study tour, the meeting place with comfortable and cool situation, the rest place. Its location is at Temon, Trowulan.
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